Tool Tips Collection

A collection of published Electronics Tool Tips...

All articles are copyrighted material as stated thereon; photo credits are given as appropriate and are also stated thereon.

As you read these articles, please feel free to drop me an email with any questions that you may have. I will be happy to provide an explanation for any of the material that you may find to be confusing.

A new feature, effective 23 March 2024, is that the article titles in the listings below will from this point on also be live links to those articles!

Tool Tip #1 - Tube Pin Straightener

Take a look at this useful tool for repairing bent pins on vacuum tubes...

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Tool Tip #2 - Tube Puller

Here is a handy tool that makes it easy to remove and install many vacuum tubes in tight quarters...

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Tool Tip #3 - Component Lead Bending Jigs

This tip discusses the quick and easy way to get precisely-bent component leads to fit the PCB hole spacing...

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Tool Tip #4 - Desoldering Pump

Read about a desoldering pump that is a great entry-level tool for the hobbyist...

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Tool Tip #5 - Hot Tweezers

When it comes to soldering and desoldering SMD components, this tool is an ace...

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Tool Tip #6 - Solder Wick and Flux

Some advice about the ubiquitous solder wick and how to boost its performance...

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Tool Tip #7 - Static-Free Tweezers

Here is a set of tweezers in various configurations that will not static-zap your sensitive components...

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Tool Tip #8 - Lighted Magnifier

This Tool Tip talks about the multi-lens lighted magnifier that I use for working with SMD components and fine close-up detail work...

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Tool Tip #9 - Cable Tester

Testing cables with different connectors can be a task, especially when it is impossible to reach into the connector to get to the contact.  Here is a tool that makes the job easy...

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Tool Tip #10 - Infrared Thermometer

Temperature of components in an operating circuit can tell a lot about the operation of that circuit, and this thermometer makes reading those temperatures a snap...

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Tool Tip #11 - Dual-View Loupe

Trying to read the markings on miniaturized components can be very difficult, but this handy device makes the job much easier...

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Tool Tip #12 - PCB "Rotisserie" Vise

Supporting PCB's for stuffing and soldering is much easier with this handy vise...

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Tool Tip #13 - Ribbon Wire Stripper

Stripping ribbon wire can be tricky, until you try this stripper, which makes the job a cinch...

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Tool Tip #14 - Solder Pot

This handy piece of equipment makes tinning a multitude of wires into an easy task...

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